Title: Chasing Cupcakes Pdf How One Broke, Fat Girl Transformed Her Life (and How You Can, Too)
I'm missing out on my life. What's wrong with me?
If that's ever crossed your mind, and if you know there's more to life than what you've been living, this audiobook is for you.
It sucks to acknowledge that you are what's keeping you from the life you want. You sacrifice what you want most for what you want in the moment. You know everything you're supposed to do, and yet you feel stuck - limited by your past, overwhelmed by your future - in a purgatory of your own behavior.
After decades of feeling trapped by this mind-set, Elizabeth Benton shifted her whole life by proving her own stories wrong. In this audiobook, Elizabeth will help you live a new story in which you can, you will, and you already have everything you need to make it happen.
A Tool everyone can use! This book will be useful far longer than the time it takes you to read it. It’s jam packed with tools to get you through the deepest of mindset struggles surrounding food. Combined with her successful podcast Elizabeth Benton is a gem. Worth All the pennies!Beautiful Nuggets of Truth If I could give this book 10 stars I would, but Amazon only gives the option of five. My copy of this book is now dog-eared, underlined & highlighted and I am confident I will be referring to it often. The way it is laid out makes it easy to read and absorb the content. I purchased not only the paperback for myself (+ a copy for my sister), but also the Audible version as well (Elizabeth has a lovely voice and speaks very clearly and succinctly). This book is a real treasure trove and every page has a nugget of truth. I especially enjoy the quotes that are peppered throughout. What I personally appreciate the most is Elizabeth’s gentle, but no-nonsense, no B.S. approach and the way she illuminates the truth in the form of questions. You can tell she genuinely wants to help you realize your infinite potential and knows that it’s imperative that we be bone-honest with ourselves. This may not sit well with those individuals that need to be coddled. Had she not experienced her life-long struggle with her weight it would be hard to accept the line of questions, but she’s been there and “gets it”, and is qualified to share her experience and wisdom. I don’t know Elizabeth personally, nor am I a client of hers, but I have been following her podcast channel, Primal Potential, for two years now as well as her blog and what she shares in Chasing Cupcakes is consistent with the message she shares on Primal Potential.Elizabeth is committed to help others change their lives. I started reading the book last night and I cannot put it down. I've been listening to Elizabeth Benton's podcast for a couple of years and also have been thru 2 rounds of her coaching program. I have been eagerly waiting for this book and I am not disappointed. Elizabeth has lived those steps and now she helps thousands of people do the same. She is committed to help others because she knows how it feels to be on the other side. I will keep this book with me as a tool just as I keep her podcast and course material. They have been and continue to help me on my journey of self-renewal and transformation.
Tags: B07MTJ54WX pdf,Chasing Cupcakes pdf,How One Broke, Fat Girl Transformed Her Life (and How You Can, Too) pdf,,Elizabeth Benton, Primal Potential Publishing,Chasing Cupcakes: How One Broke, Fat Girl Transformed Her Life (and How You Can, Too),Primal Potential Publishing,B07MTJ54WX